In this day in age can you believe this is my very first blog posting?! I thought it was about time since it seems that everyone and their cat has their own now I have my own! I'll be using this blog to post my quilting activities and any other various amusing thigs that pop up!
I've already finished my first quilt (which I need to post pictures of) and currently in the beginning stages of my next one (ie. the fabric has been washed and that's about it!). Hunter was supposed to be the recipient of the first quilt, but now it must go to my friend Mad Chicken (Madelline) for her new baby that should be making an arrival this fall! The latest quilt is being made for my friend Mylea's son, Rex! I'll be posting the progression of this quilt as it happens. It's going to be such a cute quilt, if I say so myself!
More to come!